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Workforce Development

JOIN, Inc.
1201 Terminal Way, Ste. 104
Reno NV 89502
Carolyn Wilson, Exec. Dir.
Other Contacts: Renie Bonar, Dawn Boyd, Mgr., Susan Breidenbach, ProNet Social Media Specialist, Donnah Chick, Membership, Chris Riddell, Mktg. & Media Comm.

Map  Member Since 1984 

About Us...
JOIN, Inc. (Job Opportunities in Nevada) is a private, non-profit job training agency that provides individuals the skills they need to become more employable in the local labor market. JOIN focuses on skills required to get and keep a job as well as occupation-specific training. Offices are located in Carson City, Elko, Ely, Fallon, Fernley, Reno, and Winnemucca. JOIN, Inc. : Local People, delivering Local Services, to meet Local Needs.

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