Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce

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Telephone Answering Service

Advantage Direct Communications Inc.
745 West Moana Ln., Ste. 325
Reno NV 89509
Tricia Korcheck, Dir. of Bus. Dvlpmt.
Other Contacts: Jeff Butzke, Pres., Aris McMahon, VP

Map  Member Since 2010 

About Us...
Advantage Inc. is a reliable telephone contact firm that provides survey research, marketing programs, membership renewal, and verification, and a host of other services to corporate clients around the country. Advantage, Inc. provides highly targeted voter contact services for local, state, and national elections, as well as for public affairs, government, and non-profit organizations.


Tel-Com, Inc.
85 Keystone Ave., Ste. B
Reno NV 89503
Peter Vander Aa, Treasurer
Other Contacts: Corrie Cortez, Oper. Mgr., Don Cortez, Pres.

Map  Member Since 2008 

About Us...
24/7 Professional Live Answering Service servicing a wide variety of businesses including property management, medical/dental offices, contractors, and many other services include message taking, dispatching emergency calls, voice mail, and advertising response tracking.



Zephyr Partners/AbilityCalls
PO Box 18057
Reno NV 89511
Gordon Stowe, Reg. Dir.

 Member Since 2010 

About Us...
AbilityCalls is your call center partner based in Nevada, bringing jobs back to the US. Leverage our 24x7 services to lower operational and employee costs, gain scalability and utilize the latest technologies. AbilityCalls is partnered with the Paralyzed Veterans of America and CCI, providing jobs to our disabled American Veterans. · 24x7 Inbound and Outbound Call Center Services · On-line “Live” Chat and TXT Web Services · Contact / Call Center Consulting · Call Center Technologies

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